
If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you are called to two things; be a disciple of Jesus and make disciples of Jesus.

Although it seems simple, many Christians understand the first part, but struggle with the second. They are not sure if this is really for them and can’t see how it fits into their everyday lives with families, kids, jobs and so much more.

Making disciples is not just for a few selected – pastors, evangelists, leaders or the specially anointed. It is for all disciples of Jesus. And it doesn’t have to be hard or tough or lonely.

The goal of One by One is to equip believers to make disciples by making it as simple and tangible as possible. To take the “big” concepts and create simple steps that are not too overwhelming or scary for everyday life. To equip believers to be disciples and make disciples with the gifts, talents, character and abilities God has given themin the world they are in – with support, encouragement and help from other believers on the same journey.

Equipping God’s people one by one, to make disciples one by one.

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